Tiptoes RS232 Communication Unit |
the Robotic Hexapod |
New and Tested MAX232 Based
RS232 unit. Uses proper electrolitic caps and will work with ATMEL AVR,
PIC. Modules are tested with an AVR at 9600 and 115200 baud before
packaging. Will work at other speeds, the speed is dependant on your
application, the uC in use and the settings in hyperterminal etc. This
unit buffers and converts the signals to RS232 levels suitable for
computer. Save lots of breadboard room and don't worry about caps wrongly
inserted or loose pins. This unit will plug in directly to your breadboard
with 4 x 0.1" header pins, you just hook up the 5V supply to it and
ground, then connect the RX and TX lines respectively to your uC or other
Allows your microcontroller or other serial devices to communicate with your computer using a standard serial cable. Allows bidirectional communication or just one way if required. Has 4 pins that allow easy insertion into any breadboard. The unit itself could be directly inserted to your serial port if space allowed this though its recommended that you use a straight through 9 pin serial extension lead to make it easier. You can always make up your own lead as only a maximum of 3 wires are required for the PC serial cable. That being Ground, RX (receive) and TX (transmit). Comes with printed schematic and hookup instructions. Made in Australia. |
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