Tiptoes STK-200 Programmer

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  the Robotic Hexapod

New and Tested 244HCT based AVR programmer. Includes adapter to use with standard 10 pin AVR headers. This unit is perfect for a quick and easy way to breadboard and program any AVR. The breadboard in image is a separated item, this is for the programmer only. The pinout is designed to plug in right alongside many chips including atmega32, atmega16 etc. The programmer is powered from the breadboard. For other AVR microcontrollers you can simply plug in next to IC and jumper the easily identifiable wires. Comes with Printed Schematic and Colour hookup diagram to make using easy in any AVR project.

Use free software such as Avrdude or Uisp and others to program your microcontrollers. Requires parallel port to connect to computer. Has power led and programming led. Will fit into larger DB25 backshells but works fine without. Adapter available to use programmer with standard 10 pin header if needed.

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Works with windows or Linux, for Linux you may need to have root access to gain access to the parport device. 
With windows XP or 2000 you can use tools such as Winavr to create your programs. It will include the giveio device driver to give you the access you need.
Giveio or similar software can give you the access you need freely if you have parallel port issues. 

Using the programmer from windows cmd prompt with Avrdude a sample command would be.

Avrdude -c stk200 -p m32 -U flash:w:program.hex 

where stk200 is the programmer type, m32 is the AVR type being flashed and program.hex is the name of your hex file to flash. Made in Australia.

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