Motion Tracker

This device has been adapted from the efforts of Jeroen and has been enhanced to use 2 motors on the one port in order to have both Pan and Tilt functions. The original code allowed for this feature and has mainly been updated for stepper motor cooling and newer include files. The project also still conforms to the MotionAPI without any changes.  The code to allow the Y axis stepper will be included with versions of motion from 2.4.5 on.

track1.jpg (160926 bytes) track2.jpg (191051 bytes)
track3.jpg (191704 bytes) track4.jpg (174126 bytes)

Motion snapshot 28/02/2006


Use until formal release if 
testing Tracking


89C2051 C code for SDCC


89C2051 header for SDCC


Intel Hex For Motor00


Intel Hex for Motor 01


Eagle Board File


Eagle Schematic


Board Image
dualstepperboard.png (45205 bytes)


Schematic Image
dualstepperschematic.png (45623 bytes)


Board Pattern
dualbottom2.gif (82923 bytes)


Next motors to use - bipolar canon scanner
canonmotor.jpg (119430 bytes)


Shows individual bytes and response
scope-txandrx.gif (60232 bytes)


Shows one response per 3 byte command sent
scope-success.gif (55675 bytes)

Images of various stages of design

pcb49.jpg (195864 bytes) pcb50.jpg (154360 bytes) pcb51.jpg (133866 bytes) pcb52.jpg (150811 bytes)
pcb53.jpg (116766 bytes) pcb54.jpg (132195 bytes) pcb55.jpg (144221 bytes) pcb56.jpg (186197 bytes)
pcb58.jpg (178221 bytes) pcb59.jpg (117154 bytes) pcb62.jpg (132526 bytes) pcb63.jpg (145926 bytes)
pcb64.jpg (159098 bytes) pcb65.jpg (171545 bytes) pcb66.jpg (157748 bytes) pcb67.jpg (182765 bytes)

motiontrackerboard.jpg (151211 bytes)